摘要: 亚健康状态的形成与很多因素有关,比如遗传基因的影响、环境的污染、紧张的生活节奏、心理承受的压力过大、不良的生活习惯、工作生活的过度疲劳等等,都可以使健康的人们逐渐转变为亚健康状态,摆脱亚健康状态不是靠医生的诊治,药物的疗效,而是要靠自己,
【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the application of the Tei index,which reflects right ventricular (RV) function and to observe the clinical use of the Tei index for the patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus thod:30 patients with SLE and 30 healthy controls were evaluated with routine echocardiography,all the patients internalized were not suffered with heart e RV Tei index was measured by e peak velocities of diastolic and systolic tricuspid annulus in the right ventricular lateral wall (Ea,Aa,and Sa) were sult:(1)Compared with controls,the RV Tei index measured by TDI was significantly higher in the SLE group (P70 mm Hg时,Tei指数为(0.85±0.21)。右室Tei指数与PASP呈线性相关(r=0.707,P